This August in our Village

This August in our Village


I am so glad that you are here. How are you doing?

I’m not sure how you’re feeling, but I can’t believe we’re over halfway through the year! It’s all happening a little bit too fast for my liking! I also feel now is a good time to take a little time to pause, reflect, and map out the next few months ahead.  

Acknowledging and celebrating all that has occurred along the way is also important, as I sometimes find that we forget how much we actually do and achieve on a day-to-day basis. Do you find that you can be a bit self-critical and think you’re not doing enough? Or is it just me? A reality check is sometimes all that we need to remind and keep us positive and buoyant.

I like to journal in the morning, this helps especially if my mind is getting too busy. The act of picking up my pencil, and journal and writing down the things I’m grateful for truly does help quieten the chatter and remind me to keep striving for those big goals. Read my recent experience here.

We have just finished a very productive ‘behind the scenes’ month for Villagio - planning and conducting lifestyle and food photo shoots in Sydney and Melbourne and doing lots of filming for the new recipes that I hope will delight you in the months ahead. I can’t wait to share them with you. I certainly do like to be organised and have a plan to be executed! It’s satisfying. I also love surrounding myself with incredibly talented professionals (and flowers - like the ones above or my orchids at home!). It keeps me connected, grounded, focused and moving forward.

We should always surround ourselves with people who inspire and motivate us.  Working solo all the time is too lonely and more difficult. For me, collaboration allows me to successfully juggle my portfolio of chosen interests surrounding life and professional endeavours including my family, friends, hobbies, Villagio and executive advisory and coaching work in the corporate arena. There is never a dull moment.

Of course, things don’t always go smoothly all the time (the ups and downs are part of life — I’m sure you can relate). And I know that looking after myself is so important to continuing to do what I do. I look forward to sharing more of the work I do in my advisory and coaching work for women in future monthly issues.

I hope you enjoy reading This August in our Village and have a wonderful month ahead.

Stay well and very warm,

This month in our Village

This month we are cooking Osso Buco

This month we are reading “A House in Sicily”  

This month we remember Giuseppe Acciarito


Josie’s Lemon Bundt Cake


Slow Cooked Osso Buco