This April in our Village


I am so glad that you are here. How are you doing? 

I am relishing this cooler weather and getting excited about the abundance of Autumn produce beginning to appear at the market. So fresh, crispy and crunchy. Isn’t this just the best time of year!

I am also making the most of the last of the summer produce and have just harvested my final bounty of basil and passionfruit. With the basil, I made lots of pesto for the freezer (wonderful for brightening up mid-winter casseroles and soups!)  and with the passionfruit, gifted my brother-in-law John a decent jar of pulp mixed with sugar to be used for all those good sweet things over the year. Get the recipe here.  I store my berries in a jar too - they last longer. Watch me do this here. 

I am spending a delightful time in my garden right now. The lemons, limes, oranges and mandarins are starting to say ‘hello’ and grow bigger by the minute. I am SO happy with my ornamental grape vine, I have been giving it so much love and it has definitely loved me back as an adorned canopy for gathering friends and family or having a quiet cuppa by myself. 

Just like my Nonno used to do at this time of year, I am now clearing the tired elements of my garden and getting my soil ready for an array of lettuce and greens to be planted and enjoyed. I really only like to plant seasonal things that I can eat (of course) and it is just so nice to go out for a few moments to pick fresh greens and herbs to sprinkle over minestrone soup. Visit my garden

It has been one year now since we launched Villagio! I would like to thank Sophie Hansen, Meagan Kennedy, Sally Frawley and Naomi Bulger for the wonderful photography and digital content that you are experiencing. Such a pleasure to work with talented women across Australia. 

I hope you enjoy reading This April in our Village and have a wonderful month ahead. 

Silvia xx

This month we are building our Village

Harvest the last of your summer produce and save those precious seeds as a gift that just keeps on giving. 

Sit on the front porch and take a moment as part of your daily ritual to remind your mind and body that all will be well. 

Find a treasure in the house and let it inspire you to try something new or cook a beautiful tried and true recipe. 

Organise a cooking day. Invite loved ones over and agree on a menu with everyone pitching in to cook, serve and clean up. Allow these gatherings to turn into special rituals throughout the year. Board games are definitely allowed afterwards! 

Enjoy giving with no expection of return and trust what follows. Kind gestures are a reminder to continue to nurture your villages and allow them to nurture your back.

This month we are cooking a Sicilian Fennel, Walnut & Orange Salad

Join our next free live Autumn Masterclass on Sunday 21st April from 4:00 - 4:45pm pm AEST. I will teach you the secrets to making a wholesome and Easy Minestrone Soup. Cook along or relax with a cuppa. We will send you the recipe card, food preparation and zoom link in advance. 

With fennel, oranges, walnuts and rocket all in season, I am delighted to share my Sicilian Fennel, Orange, Walnut and Rocket Salad. This is such an incredible combination and perfect on its own or as a side. Get the recipe here and watch me make it

Apples are also so delicious right now. Please have a go at making my Recipe with No Name. It is a rustic apple cake that my mum taught me when I was very young. And yes, it never had a name! My son Tom loves this cake. Watch me make it. How did you go making my Sicilian Apple Cake last month? I would love your feedback.

This month we are reading "Garden like a Nonno"

Jaclyn Crupi celebrates The Italian art of growing your own food and uncovers the secrets of the green-thumbed Nonno’s with invaluable life lessons passed through the generations. It gives you confidence to get in the garden whether you have a tiny balcony or sprawling backyard.  The tips, tricks, recipes and classic ‘nonno sayings’ are a delight. Jaclyn/Nonno recommends that it’s best to get plants in the garden in early autumn so they can establish themselves before slowing down through winter.

Follow Jaclyn on Instagram and get all her wonderful books here.

This month we are meeting my Nonno Sebastiano Barone

My Nonno Sebastiano’s backyard was an oasis of abundant fruit and vegetables. His daily sanctuary and a dream came true when he migrated from Sicily. All he wanted was a house and a backyard big enough for his crops. There he is hiding in his garden - always busy and checking up on things! Nonno grew everything from seed. I remember seeing the vast array of seasonal vegetables, fruit, herbs and rows of garlic curing in the garage. An incredibly dedicated and experienced gardener that shared his food with everyone in his community.

Inheriting his aluminium lunch box that he would take to work is a very special piece that I have at home in my pantry. It is small! Those were the times of eating much less and only wholesome. He would take crusty bread, pecorino pepato cheese, a piece of fruit and some home cured olives (probably some home-made wine too in a flask!). It was enough. And only the very best will do. Thank you Nonno.


Fennel & Orange Salad


Sicilian Apple Cake