Country Style Pizza

Pizza in Campagna Villagio au

A wonderful trip to the Sicilian countryside with family and friends showed me that close relationships and the day-to-day moments with these important people in your life is really good for us. It keeps us happier, healthier and helps us to live longer. 

Here is my recipe for country style pizza. It makes two medium size pizzas.


3 cups plain flour

Pinch of salt

7g dried yeast

1 ¼ cup lukewarm water

Extra plain flour, for dusting

Extra virgin olive oil

2 cups of Sugo di Pomodoro

80g freshly sliced ham, torn roughly

80g mozzarella cheese, sliced roughly

50g pecorino cheese, grated

Dried oregano


  • In a medium bowl put the plain flour and a pinch of salt and make a well in the centre to hold the wet ingredients

  • In a jug add the lukewarm water and yeast and mix well with a fork until it is dissolved

  • Add the warm water and dissolved yeast mixture in to the flour and slowly combine with a fork until it comes together in to a shaggy dough

  • Place this shaggy dough on a gently floured bench surface and knead until it comes together well and is nice and smooth.  If the dough is sticky during this process, gradually add flour bit by bit so it doesn’t become dry and tough. Use the feel of your hands to decide. When the dough is ready drizzle some olive oil over it and rub it around gently until it is covered with the oil

  • Place this dough in a clean bowl and cover with a clean dry tea towel and let it rise for ½-1 hour. If it is cold, wrap it in a blanket and treat it like your very best friend to help it along. It should increase in size

  • Pre-heat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius fan forced

  • Get a pizza tray and drizzle generously with olive oil. Place half the dough on this tray and gently flatten it out using your fingers until you have a rustic looking circle (or whatever shape you like) and a fairly thin 1 cm base

  • First, put some sugo di pomodoro on top of this dough, then mozzarella, ham and a sprinkling of pecorino cheese and dried oregano. Drizzle with a final flourish of olive oil and place it in the oven immediately

  • Cook for approximately 10 minutes or until the pizza base is brown and crusty on the bottom and the top is bubbling and oozing with deliciousness

  • Serve hot at the table or at room temperature. It is also yummy for breakfast the next day or lunch

(This makes two medium pizza bases - for 2 people)


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