Ricotta Gnocchi

Recently I shared some of my thoughts about our busy lives and the value of slowing down in this video. It was a conversation had while rolling gnocchi (as so many thoughtful conversations can be!) I think there’s something meditative about the repetitious acts of stirring, chopping, rolling or moulding, that leaves room in the mind for thought and makes the kitchen a place for contemplation and conversation. While we feed our minds, we are also feeding body (and sometimes soul).

And so, for the benefit of all three, here is my recipe for ricotta gnocchi.

Gnocchi Villagio au
Gnocchi Villagio au

Servings: 8-10 servings

Preparation: I hour cooking time


750g ricotta cheese

200g grated pecorino cheese

1 egg

1 cup plain flour and extra for sprinkling later

Pinch of salt and cracked black pepper

1 x quantity of Sugo di Pomodoro 


  • Get a large pot and fill it with water and a decent pinch of salt and bring to the boil

  • In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, pecorino cheese, egg, flour, salt and pepper and mix with a wooden spoon until a dough is formed

  • Put a sprinkling of flour on the bench and knead the dough very gently until it comes together well. Don’t ‘over knead’ as it will make the gnocchi tough when you cook them

  • Divide the dough into eight pieces and sprinkle more flour on the bench

  • Take one piece of dough and roll in to a long sausage and add a little more flour during this process if you feel it is too sticky to work with

  • With a flat knife cut the gnocchi pieces to the size of your liking. If you are feeling up to it, roll each one over the back of a fork or gnocchi board to make a ‘ribbing’ effect which will help to hold the sugo nicely to each gnocchi. Treat it like a meditation. The gnocchi should not look perfect – this is rustic Italian cooking! It’s all about the flavour

  • Put the gnocchi pieces on a large tray that is sprinkled generously with flour on the bottom so they don’t stick. Continue this process until all the gnocchi are made

  • Meanwhile, heat the sugo on the stove gently so it is ready to serve with the gnocchi when they are cooked. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn

  • Check the pot of boiling salted water and adjust the temperature to make sure it is on a consistent simmer

  • Cook the gnocchi immediately in small batches by gently placing the gnocchi into the boiling water. They will drop to the bottom and then after a short while, they will float to the top when they are almost ready. Wait for another minute to allow them to cook slowly through and then remove the gnocchi with a slotted spatula and place immediately in a single bowl or large serving platter

  • Serve gnocchi with the hot sugo, a sprinkling of pecorino cheese and drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and devour immediately!


Country Style Pizza


Gnocchi Philosophy Club