Cauliflower Salad

Sicilian Cauliflower salad is a simple, light recipe that is popular in the cooler months when cauliflowers are in abundance. It is quick to make and stores really well in the fridge. Just a few high-quality ingredients skillfully assembled together is all that is required, with lots of opportunities to pick and choose what flavour combinations you like. 

It can be enjoyed as a main or side dish. And can be served with a cooked protein of choice or even tinned tuna or boiled eggs as a quick and easy lunch option. Crusty bread is an added bonus!

Watch me make it here 

Download the recipe card here

Serves: 8

Preparation: 30 minutes


1 medium cauliflower, cut into bite-sized florets

½ cup celery, finely chopped 

1 tablespoon capers

5 anchovy fillets in oil, finely chopped

¼ cup continental parsley, finely chopped

¼ cup red onion or spring onion, finely chopped

½ cup stuffed green olives, halved

2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice (I like the Mazzetti Bianco condiment)

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 

Salt and cracked pepper to taste


  • To blanch the cauliflower; bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and add the florets. Cook for a couple of minutes, until just tender, then drain and run under cold water to cool. Leave to drain then place in your nicest salad dish. 

  • On top of the cauliflower, arrange the celery, capers, anchovies, parsley, onion, and green olives. 

  • Drizzle with the olive oil, vinegar and sprinkling of sea salt and cracked pepper to taste. 

  • Mix gently with your fingertips to coat evenly and let it stand for at least 30 minutes before serving to allow the flavours to develop. 

Watch me make it here 

Download the recipe card here

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